I had such a hard time coming up with a title for my first blog. Where do I start in this blogging journey even. My therapist told me this would be a helpful way to express myself. At this point, I'm not ashamed to say that I am seeing a therapist since let's face it majority of people have spoken to someone at some point in their life or they should.
But, when I was first told I had to to see a psychiatrist and also a psychologist I was not happy. I was furious! I was sad! I was confused! I'm going crazy I thought to myself. A few days prior I asked to be admitted to the hospital after worsening seizures following an ER visit three weeks prior. I was having increased seizures, daily headaches, extreme vertigo, sound sensitivity, startle reflexes and I quickly now lost all mobility. During this stay, is when I first heard of the possible diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder. People with this disorder are encouraged to seek professional help to assist with their mental health since this disorder is hard to deal with since it impacts your life greatly. Many people with this disorder also deal with abuse, anxiety and/or depression which therapy can help with if you are willing to be an active participant. Is this what I have, they must be wrong? I'm usually such a happy person and have no abuse in my life. What they are seeing now isn't the real me! If they want to get to the bottom of my medical issues, we need to back to when I was younger. I had many medical issues and many other disorders told to me by doctors. Have they been wrong all these years and this is really what has been the problem? I know I'm throwing out a lot of questions to you and maybe they will get answered as you read my journey. Maybe my journey will sound similar to your journey. Until next time world...........I will begin my story back in High School when my medical mysteries began for me.